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Time Capsules

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The MIT Museum has news clippings on or photographs of the following time capsules on campus:

1939 Cyclotron, underneath magnet

1957 Compton Laboratories time capsule to be opened in 2957

1966 McDermott Court, under Great Sail sculpture

1982 EG&G Educational Center

1990 UROP Anniversary time capsule to be opened in 2020

1991 Charles Vest Inaugural time capsule (Killian Court, near Henry Moore sculpture)

1999 LCS anniversary to be opened in 2033 unless its cryptographic puzzle is solved earlier -- solved April 2019 and opened in May 2019

2000 Building 20 time capsule in Stata Center

We also have a list containing these entries with no further information:

1916, new campus

1931, George Eastman Lab

1972, Electrical Engineering -- Fairchild

1985, Weisner Building/Media Lab

There are almost certainly more which we aren't even aware of!

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