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"Plocek House"

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Colored sketch of a large house compound drawn on yellow trace paper. The main building in the center is mostly symmetrical and consists of a turquoise upper section and a red-brown lower section. A low wing extends to the left and a large fountain appears behind the house. There is a terrace in the upper right, and lines in the lower right suggest a driveway or path to the site.

Also known as Kalko House/"Keystone House".

“Michael Graves combined a palette of bright, bold colors with a menu of basic, elementary shapes to create a type of postmodern architecture—and a type of drawing—that was easily understood by a nonexpert audience. His focus on the surface of a building was dismissed by his critics as flimsy and unserious ‘façadism.’ Either way, the flatness of Graves’s architectural designs is well suited to drawing as a two-dimensional medium.” –“Drawing After Modernism” exhibition text

Drawing publication history:

- Michael Graves, "Referential Drawings," Journal of Architectural Education 32, no. 1 (September 1978): 24–27.

- M. Louis Goodman, "Architecture: Service, Craft, Art" (1978).

- AIan Colquhoun, "From Bricolage to Myth,or how to put Humpty-Dumpty together again," Oppositions 12 (Spring 1978): 1–19.

- James Coote, "Eight for the Eighties: Houses of the Seventies Suggestive for the Eighties," Texas Architect 30, no. 4 (July/August 1980): 67–76.

- Karen Vogel, Wheeler Peter Arnell, and Ted Bickford (eds.), “Michael Graves: Buildings and Projects, 1966–1981” (New York: Rizzoli, 1982).

Drawing exhibition History:

- “Architecture: Service, Craft, Art,” Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY, April 13 – May 13, 1978. Organized by M. Louis Goodman. Traveled to New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ, October 7 – November 26, 1978, and Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College Allentown, Pennsylvania, January 13 – February 25, 1979.

Additional Information

Provenance: Max Protetch Gallery, New York (XX86.008); Martin E. Zimmerman.

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