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[printed material - Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church]

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Booklet "Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Exterior and Interior Memorials" 45 pages, two copies; leaflet "Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Memorial Gifts That May Be Donated"; program "Liturgy in Celebration of the life of Arcangelo Cascieri" held at Saint Ignatius Church on January 17, 1997; program "RECEPTION to His Excellency Richard J. Cushing" dated February 28, 1946, twelve pages; flyer "Solemn Triduum in Preparation for the Laying of the Cornerstone of the New Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola" dated July 31, 1948; program "50 Years: Laying the Cornerstone of Community" dated September 15, 1996; program "Dedication of the Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts" dated July 31, 1949, eight pages.

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