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PbS1-xSex lead-salt diode lasers

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Two mounted PbS1-xSex homojunction diode lasers mounted on a copper disk. The lasers are extremely small, approximately 1/4" long and 1/32" diameter.

These lasers were developed by Wayne Lo, a research scientist at General Motors, who was an internationally recognized leader in semi-conductor research. They were used by Charles Freed and Joseph Bielinski of MIT Lincoln Laboratory as part of a NASA Langley Research Center sponsored investigation to meaure the fundamental, quantum phase noise limited Lorentizian linewideth. The research was conducted at Lincoln Laboratory using two lead-salt homojunction diode lasers fabricated at the General Motors Research Laboratory. Both lasers are broad-area PbS1-xSex homojunction diode lasers, cleaved from the same bar with identical cavity lengths of 373 um. Both can operate up to 90 K cw and 140 K pulsed. This work was described in a paper by Charles Freed, Joseph W. Bielinski and Wayne Lo, "Fundamental linewidth in solitary, ultranarrow output PbS1-xSex diode lasers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 43 (1 October 1993): 629-631.

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